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Pictured: Downtown Montréal, Québec.

Our sponsors provide the generous support that makes our achievements possible

The success of our sector today is a product of the support our sponsors have given over the years. They help us connect our sector with more knowledge and expertise, as well as better tools and resources. They promote our contributions to Canada, and help forge new partnerships with more stakeholders across the country.

We continually strive to strengthen our sector, so that Canada receives the full benefit of a growing language education industry — one that attracts the best and brightest from around the world and enhances Canada’s international reputation. That’s why we’re always open to exploring new sponsorships. Contact us for more information on how to become a sponsor of Languages Canada.

To all of our sponsors, thank you for your generosity, encouragement, guidance and support. You make it possible for Languages Canada to do what we do best, so our sector can be at its best.